Nwûl tash

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The sun rose golden on the horizon.
The early birds singing, wind blowing through
Leaves bright red neither wrinkled nor wizen
Brightly over long grass in orange hue.

Nwûl tash. Peace is a lie.

The eyes piercing like hot scorching fire,
Boiling blood burning raw in the darkness
Of his face. Strong his will and desire.
He will conquer what should be his. Ruthless.

Dzwol shâsotkun. There is only passion.

He was born to rule, to claim, to prevail.
From his own ashes he would rise again.
Never to surrender, never to fail.
Either will he reign or rather be slain.

Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk. Through passion, I gain strength.

The burning passion from shadows arose,
Carrying power wherever it flows.